
The are two make targets for release. The prepare-release runs all tests and compiles the release packages. The release-upload will upload the new release.

The release steps that are automated in Makefile are documented here.

This is a semi automated release process that is not completed. Some of the steps must be executed manually as instructed below.


# Remove existing virtual environments.
deactivate > /dev/null 2>&1
for VENV in $(lsvirtualenv -b | grep snippy-py)
    printf "delete snippy venv ${VENV}\033[37G: "
    rmvirtualenv ${VENV} > /dev/null 2>&1
    printf "\033[32mOK\033[0m\n"

# Upgrade CPython and PyPy versions.
sudo dnf upgrade -y \
    python27 \
    python34 \
    python35 \
    python36 \
    python37 \
    python38 \
    python3-devel \
sudo dnf upgrade -y \
    pypy2 \
    pypy3 \
    pypy2-devel \
    pypy3-devel \

# Upgrade Python virtual environments.
pip3 install --user --upgrade \
    pipenv \
    virtualenv \

# Create virtual environments.
for PYTHON in python2.7 \
              python3.4 \
              python3.5 \
              python3.6 \
              python3.7 \
              python3.8 \
              pypy \
    if which ${PYTHON} > /dev/null 2>&1; then
        printf "create snippy venv for ${PYTHON}\033[37G: "
        mkvirtualenv --python $(which ${PYTHON}) snippy-${PYTHON} > /dev/null 2>&1
        if [[ -n "${VIRTUAL_ENV}" ]]; then
            printf "\033[32mOK\033[0m\n"
            printf "\e[31mNOK\033[0m\n"
        deactivate > /dev/null 2>&1

# Install virtual environments.
for VENV in $(lsvirtualenv -b | grep snippy-py)
    workon ${VENV}
    printf "deploy snippy venv ${VENV}\033[37G: "
    if [[ ${VIRTUAL_ENV} == *${VENV}* ]]; then
        make upgrade-wheel PIP_CACHE=--no-cache-dir
        make install-devel PIP_CACHE=--no-cache-dir
        printf "\033[32mOK\033[0m\n"
        printf "\e[31mNOK\033[0m\n"
    deactivate > /dev/null 2>&1

# Prune Docker containers.
sudo docker rm $(docker ps --all -q -f status=exited)
sudo docker rm $(docker ps --all -q -f status=exited)

# Start PostgreSQL.
sudo docker stop postgres
sudo docker rm postgres
sudo docker run -d --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD= -p 5432:5432 -d postgres  # Wait untill the database is up!

# workon with the Python3.7 virtual environment
workon snippy-python3.7

# Set the current development version and the new tagged versions in Makefile.
DEV_VERSION := 0.11a0
TAG_VERSION := 0.12.0

# Run release preparations.
make prepare-release

# Update Python setuptools, wheels and Twine.
make upgrade-wheel V=1 QUIET=

# Update version numbers in project. This target fails if
# there are development versions found.
make upgrade-tool-version V=1 QUIET=

# Manually grep versions to make sure that the script worked.
grep -rn -e 0.11.0 ./

Run tests with PyPy

# Example installation for Fedora 28.
make clean
make clean-db
dnf install pypy3
dnf install pypy3-devel
dnf install postgresql-devel
make upgrade-wheel PYTHON=pypy3
make install-devel PYTHON=pypy3
pypy3 -m ensurepip
pypy3 -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
pypy3 -m pip install --editable .[devel]
pypy3 -m pytest -x ./tests/test_*.py --cov snippy -m "server"
pypy3 runner --help
pypy3 runner import --defaults --scat all
pypy3 runner --server-host --defaults -vv
curl -s -X GET "" -H "accept: application/vnd.api+json"

Run tests with PostgreSQL

# The test-all target runs test with Sqlite and PostgreSQL.
docker run -d --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD= -p 5432:5432 -d postgres  # Wait untill the database is up!
make clean
make clean-db
make test-all
make test-postgresql

Run tests with HTTP server

# Generate TLS sertificates for server.
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -nodes -keyout server.key -out server.crt -days 356 -subj "/C=US/O=Snippy/CN="
python runner server --server-host --defaults -vv --server-ssl-cert ./server.crt --server-ssl-key ./server.key
curl -k -s -X GET "" -H "accept: application/vnd.api+json"

Test local installation

make clean
make clean-db
pip uninstall snippy -y
pip install .
snippy --help
snippy search --sall .
snippy import --defaults
snippy import --defaults --scat solution
snippy import --defaults --scat reference
snippy search --sall docker
rm -f ${HOME}/devel/temp/snippy.db
snippy import --defaults --storage-path ${HOME}/devel/temp
snippy import --defaults --scat solution --storage-path ${HOME}/devel/temp
snippy import --defaults --scat reference --storage-path ${HOME}/devel/temp
snippy --server-host --storage-path ${HOME}/devel/temp &
curl -s -X GET "" -H "accept: application/vnd.api+json"
pkill snippy

Test docker installation

# Compile docker image.
make clean
make clean-db
docker rmi --force $(docker images --filter=reference="*/snippy*:*" -q)
docker rm $(docker ps --scat all -q -f status=exited)
docker images -q --filter dangling=true | xargs docker rmi
docker images
make docker

# Run CLI commands with docker image.
docker run --rm --env SNIPPY_LOG_JSON=0 heilaaks/snippy --help
docker run --rm --env SNIPPY_LOG_JSON=0 heilaaks/snippy search --sall docker

# Run server with Sqlite database.
docker run -d --publish= --name snippy heilaaks/snippy --defaults -vv
curl -s -X GET "" -H "accept: application/vnd.api+json"
docker logs snippy
docker stop snippy
docker rm snippy
docker run --env SNIPPY_SERVER_HOST= --net=host --name snippy --detach heilaaks/snippy --debug
curl -s -X GET "" -H "accept: application/vnd.api+json"
docker logs snippy
docker stop snippy
docker rm snippy

# Login into Docker image (requires change to Dockerfile).
docker run -d --publish= --name snippy heilaaks/snippy --defaults -vv
docker exec -it snippy /bin/sh
cd /
du -ah | sort -n -r | head -n 50
find / -name '*pycache*'
docker stop snippy
docker rm snippy

# Run server with PostgreSQL database.
docker run -d --net="host" --env SNIPPY_SERVER_HOST= --name snippy heilaaks/snippy --storage-type postgresql --storage-host localhost:5432 --storage-database postgres --storage-user postgres --storage-password postgres --defaults -vv
curl -s -X POST "" -H "accept: application/vnd.api+json; charset=UTF-8" -H "Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json; charset=UTF-8" -d '{"data":[{"type": "snippet", "attributes": {"data": ["docker ps"]}}]}'
curl -s -X GET "" -H "accept: application/vnd.api+json"
docker logs snippy
docker stop snippy
docker rm snippy

# Login to container to see security hardening and size.
docker run -d --publish= --name snippy heilaaks/snippy --defaults -vv
docker exec -it snippy /bin/sh
find / -perm +6000 -type f -exec ls -ld {} \;
find / -perm +6000 -type f -exec chmod a-s {} \; || true # Check defang -> Should return zero files.
du -a -h / | sort -n -r | head -n 20

Create new asciinema

# pip uninstall snippy --yes
pip uninstall snippy --yes
make clean-all
make install

# Clear existing resources.
mkdir ~/snippy
cd ~/snippy
cp ~/devel/snippy/docs/release/ ../
chmod 755 ../
rm -f ../snippy.cast
sudo docker stop snippy
sudo docker rm snippy
rm ./*

# Disable and enable terminal linewrap
printf '\033[?7l'
#printf '\033[?7h'

# Start recording.
asciinema rec ../snippy.cast -c ../

# Play recording.
asciinema play ../snippy.cast

# Upload recording and connect to recording to user. Use the link at
# the end of upload command after logged into asciinema.
asciinema upload ../snippy.cast

# Change the README file to link to new asciinema cast.

# In case of failure.
make uninstall
make install
rm -f ../snippy.cast
sudo docker stop snippy
sudo docker rm snippy
asciinema rec ../snippy.cast -c ../

# Increase sudo time
sudo visudo
Defaults:heilaaks timestamp_timeout=30

Test PyPI installation

# Test PyPI installation before official release into PyPI.
make clean-all
python sdist bdist_wheel
twine upload --repository-url dist/*
pip uninstall snippy -y
pip3 uninstall snippy -y
pip install --index-url snippy
snippy --help
snippy import --defaults --scat all
snippy search --sall docker
pip uninstall snippy -y
pip3 install --index-url snippy
snippy --help
snippy import --defaults --scat all
snippy search --sall docker
pip3 uninstall snippy -y
pip3 install --user --index-url snippy
pip uninstall snippy -y
pip install --user --index-url snippy
which snippy
snippy --help
snippy import --defaults --scat all
snippy search --sall docker
pip3 uninstall snippy -y
pip uninstall snippy -y


  1. Verify data in CHANGELOG.rst

    1. Update the CHANGELOG.rst release date if needed.

    2. Push changes to master.


  1. Make tag

    git tag -a 0.12.0 -m "Add new release 0.12.0"
    git push -u origin 0.12.0
  2. Release in PyPI

    make clean-all
    python sdist bdist_wheel
    twine upload dist/*
  3. Test PyPI release

    sudo pip uninstall snippy -y
    pip install snippy --user
    snippy --help
    snippy import --defaults
    snippy import --defaults --scat solution
    snippy search --sall docker
  4. Release in Docker Hub

    docker stop snippy
    docker rm snippy
    docker rmi --force $(docker images --filter=reference="*/snippy*:*" -q)
    docker rm $(docker ps --scat all -q -f status=exited)
    docker images -q --filter dangling=true | xargs docker rmi
    docker images
    make docker
    docker login
    docker tag 2e988be6fc03
    docker tag 2e988be6fc03
    docker images
    docker push
    docker push
  5. Test Docker release

    docker rmi --force $(docker images --filter=reference="*/snippy*:*" -q)
    docker rm $(docker ps --scat all -q -f status=exited)
    docker images -q --filter dangling=true | xargs docker rmi
    docker images
    docker pull heilaaks/snippy
    docker run heilaaks/snippy:latest --help
    docker run heilaaks/snippy:latest search --sall docker
    docker run -d --publish= --name snippy heilaaks/snippy -vv
    curl -s -X GET "" -H "accept: application/vnd.api+json"
    docker stop snippy
    docker rm snippy
    docker run --env SNIPPY_SERVER_HOST= --net=host --name snippy --detach heilaaks/snippy --debug
    curl -s -X GET "" -H "accept: application/vnd.api+json"
    docker stop snippy
    docker rm snippy
  6. Release news

    1. Make new release in Github.